Regulatory information
Voting policy
Voting report
Report on intermediation fees
Claims handling
Conflicts of interest policy
Policy for best selection of financial intermediaries
Responsible Investment Policy
Article 29 LEC | SFDR Entity | TCFD
The five leading execution platofrms and five leading brokers 2023
The five leading execution platofrms and five leading brokers 2022
Our remuneration policy
Amiral Gestion has implemented a remuneration policy in accordance with the AIFM directive and the UCITS V directive, as well as the directives and recommendations issued by the ESMA. This remuneration policy is consistent, promotes sound and effective risk management, and does not encourage risk-taking that may be incompatible with the risk profiles, regulations or constitutional documents of the CIUs it manages. This policy is also in line with the interests of CIUs and investors. Amiral Gestion’s staff may be remunerated on a fixed base and a variable base. However, the variable component represents a marginal share of the overall compensation paid to persons identified as risk takers or equivalent within the meaning of these regulations. In addition, given the growing importance of non-financial issues, Amiral Gestion has decided to make each member of its team responsible for taking ESG issues into account. Each member of staff, in particular within the management team, is thus encouraged to contribute to the Responsible Investment Strategy, depending on the specific nature of their roles. Their involvement is taken into consideration in their annual appraisals and when determining their variable remuneration.
All employees are eligible for profit sharing. They are all also shareholders in Amiral Gestion. Their share of the capital is acquired gradually and depends on their individual contribution to the company. Thus, the interests of Amiral Gestion's investors and employees are aligned, the aim being to achieve the best long-term performance and secure the company's long-term future. All company members have a direct interest in ensuring the success of each fund and in contributing to the company's profit, and thus have an incentive to avoid reckless risk taking.
The full remuneration policy for Amiral Gestion employees and total amount of remuneration paid in respect of the financial year, broken down in accordance with regulatory requirements, are available free of charge upon written request to your fund manager: Amiral Gestion, 103 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris.